Kristen is a natural light photographer and soapmaker.

Hello and welcome to Sunshine & Hippyness!

The idea to combine both of my businesses (Hazel & Honey and Kristen Courtney Photography) has been in the works for many years! I’ve been a professional photographer for 10 years and a soap maker for 8 years.

I am a mom to three wild children. My twins are three and my oldest is eight.

I photograph families in the Barrie area. My absolute favourite session is capturing photographs of families walking through fields of wildflowers during the golden hour. I take a mix of candid and casually posed images. I try to capture real emotion, a genuine laugh is always felt through the image.

Even though photography has always been my career choice, I have always felt compelled to make skin care products. It started as vials of this, or pots of that, and eventually I started making soap. I’ve always been inspired by nature. I love drying my harvested botanicals and creating new scent combinations with essential oils. Making soap keeps me grounded. It’s very nostalgic because it makes me think of my childhood, when I would tinker with “perfumes” made of cinnamon bark and pine needles.

I was clearly meant to do this as a career as well!
And thus, Sunshine & hippyness was created!

Have a look around my site and feel free to send me a message with any questions!

- Kristen